Monday, August 1, 2011

Livin' life in Flippy-Floppys

I love wearing flippy floppys everyday:) I can't say that it's hard to believe that summer is wrapping up because its August already, because this happens every year...summer just goes too fast! I'm staying busy this summer for sure and trying to enjoy every second of sleep because I'll be waking up to an alarm clock before I know it!
The best news is that my foot is not broken anymore! I went to the doctor and the xrays show that the fracture has been 'rounded off'. Don't really understand what that all means, and don't really care because I'm out of the black boot! Its still a tad bruised on the top and is still sore at times...but that might also be due to me trying to water ski only a few days after :) I tried that's for sure and maybe one day when my foot is a little bit stronger I'll actually be good at it like Andrew...I swear, is there any sport he isn't good at?
I've been busy getting my classroom together these past few weeks because I still have some vacations yet this August. We just went camping with Andrew's brother and wife and it was a blast! Boating was great during these hot days, and camp food is just so good. The best was being out on the water at night where the water was like glass driving across the lake and the sky was filled with stars...absolutely beautiful and totally thanked God for that sight! Oh, I love being with family :) Speaking of...I am having a HUGE garage sale this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at my house and the proceeds are going to my brother and sister in law (Tim and Beth) to help raise money for their ADOPTION!! Yes, I am so happy to say that I could have a new niece or nephew in less than a year! Adoption is expensive though, so we are doing all we can to help raise money and Beth got a lot of donated items to sell at the garage sale here and in Ft.Wayne. So come on out and browse around, even if its just for a yummy grilled hotdog lunch (Andrew's grilling!). Things we are selling include tons of furniture and appliances, baby things, toys, clothes, 12ft. fishing boat, go kart, golf clubs, HD motorcycle, American Dolls, pond liner, household items, collectables, books, games, and so much more!!! The ad will be in the newspaper and here is our address...4950 New Haven Dr. Lima, OH 45806

Here are some pictures from the motorcycle ride we took with about ten other bikes...isn't that bridge just awesome! And a train went across it as we were riding! It was about a two hour ride full of beautiful back road scenery :)
And here is some pictures from the camping trip. Look how curly my hair got from how hot it was! I guess we do not need to be in suspense anymore wondering if my curly hair would return! I didn't get any pictures of the four of us because after 3 days of can only imagine how we looked...and smelled! :)Cooper-dog wore himself out from swimming so much, he LOVED the water so much that we could hardly keep him in the boat!Just some pictures from our campsite, I just thought nature was so beautiful this past weekend and just really appreciated what an artist God is , even this dead tree...I've said lately that I've been trying to figure out who I am after cancer. I feel like this chapter in my life should be called Life in Remission: Figuring out the new Laura. I feel like I've been given another chance at life and to find out as much as possible in this short time on earth is something I'm craving at the moment. I'm trying to figure out who I am again, what I hold important to me, and learning how to remain balanced everyday in this chaotic world. So an opportunity arose and I jumped on board without looking back. I've decided to do a little soul searching next week....and I'm starting in New England. :)


  1. I wear flip flops every day too. Til October. Then it's a bit chilly :)

    Come on up to New England. It's beautiful this time of year!

  2. Enjoy New England! That is where I want to live when I grow up! (yep, feeling a sense of urgency regarding that goal....). So happy for your wonderful summer :-)
