Thursday, November 18, 2010

I Cried.

I finally let it out and I cried today. I mean I cried, a lot. Andrew wasn’t here to see it. Luckily he wasn’t...Im not sure if he would have consoled me or laughed at me :) I cried because of everything, good and bad, sometimes a girl just needs a good cry. I cried because I don’t know what’s in store and I can’t make a plan yet. I cried because I can't get the words out that are in my head. I cried because things are so clear, but yet so foggy in my head. I cried because I can’t remember what I tell or didn't tell people…especially my husband and it gets me into trouble at times. I cried because I love my mom so much. I cried because I miss Grandma Mary. I cried because I feel like I could be a better wife, friend, daughter, and coworker. I cried because I love my dog, but he is chewing everything! I cried because of how beautiful Jessica made my pictures. I cried because I really do have THE BEST support group out there. I cried because I think my cat hates me. I cried because my chili finally turned out good. I cried because I don’t want to fold my socks. I cried because all I really want to eat is Oreos for breakfast. I cried because I just saw how much cancer costs. I cried for the people out there who have no one to talk to about their problems. I cried for my friends who are in pain and there isn’t a thing I can do to make it go away. I cried because I have no idea what’s happening inside my body and I feel I have no control. I cried because I’m still a girl and I still have hormones. And I cried because I’m done with cancer…but it’s not.
So what did I do next? I took my Kleenex’s to the bathroom and finished crying in the bathtub. :) I didn't write this for you to feel bad for me, I just wanted to be honest and remember the day I felt like this girl below. I cry too, I’m not perfect and I don't hold it together all the time. And I didn't even have a good reason to cry today. I think it just needed to come out. One time a doctor told me I itched all the time because I held in my feelings too much. Well there was no itching today my friends! :D Today, I just needed a good cry. And I feel so much better now.

When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.
-Harriet Beecher Stowe, novelist

Maybe this is a turning point for me…I’ll learn something from this good cry today, but for now, a few more tears won’t hurt :)
Have a good cry tonight if you need it...from experience, it really makes you feel better! No matter if you are a man or woman!


  1. Our prayers continue to be with you! We all love you so much Laura. Love and Prayers, Kelly

  2. I saw your photos on Jessica's site and she posted your link to your blog. I am anxious to start reading about your journey. I think you are incredibly beautiful bald....some people can pull it off, some can' got it though :)
    I look forward to keeping up with you through your blog and if I see you in public sometime I will introduce myself

  3. I love you, Laura! I'm always here, if you need another good cry. Thank you for being so special to me and reminding me to cling hard to Jesus daily!

  4. Is this the day you cried when I told you Chloe still sleeps with the turtle you gave her?? I cry to when I think about Gma Mary. We have such an awesome family and thats something to smile about....and cry about to sometimes. Love ya sis. Can't wait til Wed!!
